Friday, November 26, 2010

New Officers Elected for Northwest District UMW - 2011

   At the Fall Meeting held November 6 at Pleasant Retreat UMC, the Northwest District UMW elected new officers for 2011.

Suzanne McDougle of Edom UMW is the the new presidents.  Serving with her will be:
Vice President:  Doris Nealy of St. James UMC
Secrtary:  Ricarda Burke, St. James UMC
Treasurer:  Doris (Dee) Calhoun, 1st UMC Canton
Secretary of Program Resources:  Susan Smith, Smith Chapel UMC

Mission Coordinators

Spiritual Growth: Lois Butts,Russell Memorial UMC       
Social Action:  Mary Brown, 1st UMC, Jacksonville
Eduation and Interpretation: Patty Curtis, Athens UMC
Membership Nurture and Outreach:  Odelle Allbritton, Stewart Memorial UMC

Nominations, Shepherding:

Karol Johnson, Van UMC
Lila Sinches, Johnson Chapel UMC
Pat Durst, Brok's Chapel UMC
Cindy Bennett, Mount Vernon UMC

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